Track 1: Developing the Jeddah Flood event into a case study for academic use.
Session Leader: Graham Attwell, Director of Pontydysgu, UK
Assisting Facilitators: Cristina Costa, Research Technologies Development Officer, University of Salford and John Smith, Learning Alliances, USA
§ Discussed what a case study means
§ Worked on answering the questions “who, what, why, how, and when” for the case study
§ Discussing the “who” (target audience) and “why” (we’re doing this case study) led the group to realize a research would be more appropriate considering the range of topics/perspectives we wanted to cover
§ Identified an initial set of resources the group could utilize in their research (including Dr. Yeslam Al-Saggaf’s students’ research, volunteers who participated in “rescuing Jeddah” after the floods, and various videos/blogs posted on the Internet)
§ Learned how to use a wiki for future collaboration on this project
§ Discussed a project check-in time for early next year to check on progress
§ Agreed upon conducting a research and its suitability rather than a case study
§ Drew a [preliminary] outline for the topics to be covered in the research
§ Developed a preliminary set of references
§ Created a wiki for group members’ continued collaboration on the project
§ Set an initial timeline with the decision to convene for a ‘progress report’ on the 27th of January, 2011
Asma Sheikh
Asma Sheikh
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